Summer 2011

Traverse City, MI

8 June 2011

Town Information

Local Map

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Photographs and Commentary
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This morning our friends, Jo and Dallas picked us up to show us some of the Traverse City area. We first drove through Interlochen State Park which is located on the other side of Duck Lake from Jo and Dallas' house. The park is fairly empty right now, but we were told that it will be packed in a few weeks. It is a pretty nice state park, but we are unlikely to use it or most other state parks because our trailer is too large to maneuver through the campground and it offers limited utilities. One of the downsides of having a trailer this large is it limits where we can stay. However, it also affords us a home away from home that we can live in for long period, something a smaller trailer makes a little less pleasant.

Our next stop was The Interlochen Center for the Arts. The Center started as a summer music camp and now operates an arts high school, summer camp, and hosts concerts and events. Rather than try to describe the programs offered by the center, I suggest that you follow this link for more information. It is a beautiful campus and we only saw a small portion of it. The weather was a bit threatening so we opted to get back in the car and head for Traverse City.

We drove around the city and then walked around on Front Street with its eateries and unique shops. After lunch in one of the eateries, we walked into some more of the shops and once again the weather threatened... we were under a "severe thunderstorm warning" for a time so we opted to go back the RV Park and meet again later this evening for dinner in town. Of course, after we split, the sun came out and things calmed down.

Jo and Dalla... Thanks for your hospitality... next time we will host you in New York.

Kresge Auditorium is a covered amphitheater that hosts concerts in various genres of music. The back of the stage, above right, opens up on the lake

DeRoy Center for Film Studies

Student Housing

Interlochen Bowl

Momma, Susie and Baby Bear

As Seen on the Road

As usual, Susie can't resist passing a quilt store. While Susie and Jo were looking around the store, I looked out the window and spotted The Dove Song, which Dallas told me has been here for quite some time. I had to take some pictures of it and selected these to post. The signs around the shop pretty much tell you what it is about. I particularly liked the "welcome" signs in the door and wondered if they posted them in order of preference.

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